Code of Conduct

Policy Date: January 2015 / Rev. 1 / Last Revision Dated 08/02/2021


This Code of Conduct confirms our commitment to the, Unity, Safety, Welfare, and Wellbeing from The Friends of The Children Foundation Inc’s (FOTCF) members, office holders and all the visitors and their families including children attending our activities and events. The FOTCF members are committed to create and provide a safe world and environment where we all must work together and protect families and children from any misbehaviours while attending events or activities.

  2. The following principles form the core of our vision and values. Failure to adhere to these principles may result in disciplinary action being taken.Creating better world through— CARE, COMPASSION & COMMITMENT.
We expect you to:
  • Respect the Rights, Dignity and Value of every member in the community regardless of their age, gender, capabilities, cultural background, or religion as we all are same inside.
  • Be courteous and respectful to all at all the times; treat others as you would like to be treated.
  • Understand the repercussions if you breach; as the only outcome is the expulsion from organisation. If you learn from your mistakes then life is a ladder to climb to success, if you do not then life is like an ocean to drown, the choice is always ours.
  • Never take any photograph of children for publication purposes. Must get parent consent first.
These standards apply to all the members, volunteers, any contractors, suppliers and hired staff we engage with.
Members participating in working groups and the Committee of Management are required to hold a valid WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK CARD and a valid POLICE CHECK. Please always check the validity period & keep it current.  Members and visitors who engage with schools and students are also required to hold the above.  A register of FOTCF members and visitors who have undertaken these checks and the date of issue and renewal is kept up to date by the FOTCF Secretary.


(please type name, sign & date at the bottom in space provided)

I have carefully read this code of conduct and accept responsibility for complying with it in all respects. I also agree that sanctions may be imposed should I breach any aspect of the Code of Conduct. These may include:

  • Warnings, either verbal or in writing
  • Permanent exclusion from the FOTCF
  • Exclusion from the FOTCF for a period as set down by the Management Committee.

I agree that while attending meetings, events, or activities of the FOTCF I will conduct myself in a manner, which allows me to act as a positive role model to children, families, visitors, and members.

  1. I will act respectfully and responsibly toward all FOTCF members, visitors, children, and families. All the time Abusive, Insulting, and Offensive language or actions are unacceptable.
  2. I understand that verbal and physical abuse, including any sexual, racial, and other form of harassment towards any member, visitor, children, and families is always in unacceptable and would make me liable to serious consequences.

The FOTCF Management Committee reserves the right to take appropriate action if this Code of Conduct is breached in any way. This is to ensure providing a safe environment for members, visitors, and children and families at FOTCF meetings, events and activities.

I  ……………………………………………………………………….. acknowledge that I have read and agree to comply with the above Code of Conduct. I accept that breaches of the Code of Conduct will carry consequences as listed above.

Name: ___________________________________________


Signed___________________________________________                                                           Dated:


Code of Conduct                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 2 / 2